For a world worth living in:

The Stoos hotels, which consist of three hotel and catering businesses, are committed to holistic and responsible business practices. Thanks to the close cooperation within the hotel group, synergies are exploited to promote sustainable and resource-conserving tourism.

Our commitment
for the environment

Stoos Hotels are Swisstainable

By participating in Switzerland Tourism’s sustainability label, all our businesses are committed to continuous, sustainable corporate development and are thus making a tangible contribution to sustainable tourism in Switzerland.

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MyClimate «Cause we Care»

Working together for climate protection and sustainability.

It is important to us to use resources sparingly in order to protect the environment. And you can help us: as part of the myclimate “Cause We Care” initiative, we offer our guests the opportunity to make their stay more sustainable by making a voluntary contribution and to offset some of the CO2 emissions caused. To thank you for your commitment, we promise to double the contribution.

Part of the contribution will be used to support the myclimate foundation’s «Community Reforestation in Nicaragua» climate protection project. We invest the rest in local sustainability measures.

How it works
A healthy environment
now and tomorrow

Cable car heats hotel – a world first

When constructing the new Stoos Lodge, particular attention was paid to the energy supply during the planning phase. In collaboration with the Stoos Railway, an energy concept was developed that is unique in the world.

Thanks to the braking energy generated by the world-record-breaking railway and the use of waste heat from various machines, the hotel and hot water supply are heated in a CO² neutral way. This sophisticated system saves an unbelievable 41,000 litres of heating oil per year.

Watch SRF's "10 vor 10" report

Innovative energy concepts

The hotel industry is an energy-intensive industry that is looking for innovative energy concepts. Even 40 years ago, the family that owns the hotels was one of the first in the region to promote renewable energies and use innovative systems. By installing a solar thermal system on the roof of today’s Wellness Hotel Stoos (1980), they laid the first foundations for a sustainable future.

Since 2013, Wellness Hotel Stoos has been certified by the Energy Agency of the Swiss Private Sector (EnAW) and is thus committed to actively reducing CO² emissions and continuously optimising energy efficiency.

Green Option – Room cleaning as required

With the Green Option, we give our guests the option to cancel their daily room clean to make their stay even more sustainable. At Stoos Lodge, you can even benefit from a lower price for your stay thanks to the modular “only pay for what you really need” offer.

Even this small gesture reduces water and energy consumption and actively helps to conserve our resources.

Sustainable hygiene and cosmetic products

Our hotels use the sustainable product line “Think, act & live responsible” and are thus taking a major step towards a plastic-free future. All products such as razors, comb and toothbrushes are made from sustainable resources – the packaging is made from stone paper and the products are made from bamboo and bio-plastic (made from corn starch).

At Wellness Hotel Stoos, we also use certified organic cosmetic products from Pharmos Natur® for beauty and wellness treatments. Green Luxury natural products are based on organic aloe vera juice instead of water. Containing over 100 natural ingredients and free from parabens and phenoxyethanol, they leave your skin feeling radiant, fresh and vital.

Social sustainability
our mission

Education and training

We attach great importance to having well-trained employees and provide them with personalised, targeted support by helping them to take part in various external training courses. In this way, we create optimal conditions for the professional and personal development of each individual.

As a company that offers apprenticeships, the future of the next generations is also very important to us. For many years, we have been training talented young people through our six different apprenticeships, helping them to get their careers off to the best possible start by offering promising future prospects and numerous career opportunities.


At Stoos Hotels, we are actively committed to diversity. Every person is unique and diversity is a strength that enriches us all. We promote a work environment that is characterised by respect, tolerance and openness and are committed to ensuring that all employees and guests are treated equally regardless of their origin, gender, sexual orientation, age or religion.

Innovative working hours models

Modern working (hours) models (from working from home to a four-day week) allow us to respond to the individual needs of each employee, helping them to achieve an even better work-life balance. We do this to ensure that our employees remain motivated and engaged, and therefore able to provide our guests with the best possible service.

Stoos mountain daycare centre – childcare with a 50% discount

As a special highlight, we offer our employees the opportunity to have their children looked after by the professionals at our own public mountain daycare centre at Stoos Lodge.

Employees of Stoos Hotels benefit from a 50% discount on childcare costs and thus receive additional financial support. With this one-of-a-kind offer, we are making an important contribution to helping our employees achieve a healthy work-life balance.

Information about the mountain daycare centre