Step 1: Directions to base station
Take the train to “Schwyz, Bahnhof” and from there take the bus towards “Muotathal, Hölloch”, alighting at “Schwyz, Stoosbahn”
Step 2: World-beating funicular railway
The funicular railway runs from 7.10 am to 7.10 pm at 10 minutes and 40 minutes past each hour. For departures later in the evening, check the timetable.
Price for hotel guests: CHF 16.40 per person (Stoos return)
Preis with SBB Half-Fare travelcard: CHF 11.60 per person
Price with SBB GA travelcard: free of charge
Step 3: Directions to the hotel
The Wellness Hotel Stoos is about a 10-minute walk from the funicular railway’s summit station.
–> Route
On request, we can offer free transport for guests from the summit station. Before boarding the train, please call ahead to reception on +41 41 817 44 44 and we will pick you up conveniently from the summit station.